In 2018, UMBC embarked on a formal comprehensive internationalization initiative and joined the American Council of Education’s (ACE) Internationalization Laboratory cohort 16. Upon completion of this ACE Lab process UMBC has shifted to implementing multiple new projects, programs, and services. UMBC envisions uses comprehensive internationalization as a strategy for enhancing the global engagement of our students, employees, and other community members as they participate in teaching and learning, research, and career development.
The Center for Global Engagement is charged with leading UMBC’s internationalization strategy.
Internationalization Overview
ACE Internationalization Review
- ACE’s CIGE Model for Comprehensive Internationalization
- ACE Internationalization Laboratory Briefing
- ACE Internationalization Laboratory Cohort 16 Timeline
Internationalization Breakout Session Handouts
- The Student Experience
- Collective Impact in Research, Scholarship, And Creative Achievement
- Innovative Curriculum and Pedagogy
- Community and Extended Connections
Internationalization Posters
- Internationalization: Setting the Stage
- Education Abroad
- Global Operations
- International Collaboration: Research, Scholarship and Creative Achievement
- International Student Recruitment and Retention
- Internationalization of the Curriculum, Co-Curriculum, and Learning Outcomes
- Strategic International Partnerships and Global Engagement
A list of references for the above international posters can be found here.