January 1st
New Year’s Day
January 20th
Dr. Martin Luther King’s Birthday
OISS Virtual Orientation
9-11:30 via Webex
January 24th
OISS In-Person Orientation and Welcome Event
11-2; ILSB and Commons Main Street
January 27th
First Day of Classes Spring 2025
January 29th
Boren Scholarship Deadline
February 2nd
UK Fulbright Summer Institute Deadline
February 3rd
J-1 Exchange Pizza Party Event
UC 204
February 5th
Education Abroad G.O Fair
11 AM to 2 PM, Commons Main Street
February 7th
CNMS: Admitted Student Sneak Peek (EA tabling)
10:30-11:30AM- UC Ballroom
February 10th
CAHSS Dean’s Scholarship for Education Abroad Deadline
February 10th
ISSS Coffee Hour 2:00 -3:00 pm
February 12th
COEIT: Admitted Student Sneak Peek (EA tabling)
10:30-11:30AM- UC Ballroom
February 17th
CAHSS/SOWK: Admitted Student Sneak Peek (EA tabling)
10:30-11:30AM- UC Ballroom
February 21st
OPT Workshop (virtual) – OISS
February 24th
National Study Abroad Day
February 28th
Class of 1970 Access Award Deadline
March 4th
COEIT: Admitted Student Sneak Peek #2 (EA tabling)
10:30-11:30AM- UC Ballroom
March 6th
CNMS: Admitted Student Sneak Peek #2 (EA tabling)
10:30-11:30AM- UC Ballroom
March 6th
Gilman Scholarship Deadline
March 12th
CAHSS/SOWK: Admitted Student Sneak Peek #2 (EA tabling)
10:30-11:30AM- UC Ballroom
March 17th – March 19th
Spring Break
University Holiday
March 16th – March 30th
Seiko Gakuin High School Intensive Program
March 28th
International Student Career Conference (OISS/Career Center)
April 4th
Summer 2025 FLSA Pre-Departure Orientation
1PM-4PM (location TBD)
April 12th
Admitted Student Day (EA tabling)
May 2nd
EA General Pre-Departure Orientation
1PM-4PM (location TBD)
May 7th
ISSS Summer Send-Off
May 22nd
Undergraduate Commencement
May 26th
Memorial Day
June 16th
June 18th – July 27th
MWF YALI Program
July 4th
Independence Day
July 20th – August 2nd
Kanagawa Intensive English & Culture Program
August 3rd – August 17th
Seiko Gakuin High School Intensive Program
27th of August
UMBC Student Fulbright Campus Deadline
August 27th
UMBC Student Fulbright Campus Deadline
September 1st
Labor Day
September 3rd – September 4th
Education Abroad G.O Fair
11 AM to 2 PM, Commons Main Street
September 15th
Fulbright Scholar Program Application Deadline
October 10th
Fulbright U.S. Student Program National Deadline
November 17th – November 21
International Education Week
Critical Language Scholarship Deadline
November 26th – November 28th
Thanksgiving Break
Campus Closed
December 15th
DAAD Rise Deadline
December 25th
Christmas Day
December 26th
President’s Day
December 27th
Columbus Day
December 30th
Veterans Day
December 31st
New Year’s Eve
University Holiday